
modern music making . . .

Peter Ivan Edwards ペーター・アイヴァン・エドワーズ

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CF1 : Re (2010) for flute, violin, piano trio
Ascent:Two Perspectives (2011) for flute and violin duo

1973年ニューヨークに生まれ。作品はこれまでに、Mutareアンサンブル、アンサンブルSurPlus、アンサンブルChronophonie、アンサンブルAscolta, the Noiseアンサンブル、ラホヤ交響楽団に演奏される。2002年ダルムシュタット現代音楽夏期講習会、2005年ジューン・イン・バッファローに奨学生として参加。また、ダルムシュタット現代音楽講習会、MATAフェスティバル、ドナウエッシンゲン音楽祭、ウィーン・モデルン音楽祭にて作品が演奏される。
2001年のDADD(ドイツ学術交流会)基金授与に加え、ASCAP(米国作曲家作詞家出版家協会)よりスタンダードアワード、2002年ドイツ論文アワード、2002年ダルムシュタット現代現代音楽夏期講習会のなかでKlangraum-Raumklang (The Space Of Music - Music Of Space)賞を、それぞれ受賞。

Peter Edwards was born in New York in 1973. His work has been performed throughout the world by numerous ensembles, including the Mutare Ensemble, Ensemble SurPlus, Ensemble Chronophonie, Ensemble Ascolta, the Noise Ensemble, and the La Jolla Symphony. He has been an invited participant at both the Darmstadt Ferienkurse für neue Musik in 2002 and the June in Buffalo Festival in 2005. His works have been performed at major international festivals including the Darmstadt Ferienkurse für neue Musik, the MATA Festival, Donaueschinger Musiktage, and Wien Modern.
In addition to his DAAD Grant in 2001, Edwards has also been awarded three ASCAP Standard Awards, 3rd Prize in the Deutscher Studienpreis 2002, and was a winner of the Klangraum-Raumklang competition that was part of the 2002 Internationale Ferienkurse für neue Musik in Darmstadt, Germany.
He received a Bachelor of Music from Northwestern University, and completed master's and doctoral degrees in music composition at the University of California, San Diego, where his principal composition teacher was Chaya Czernowin. In 2001, he received a DAAD grant to study with Nicolaus A. Huber at the Folkwang Hochschule in Essen, Germany.
Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in Singapore, where he teaches music composition and music theory.